



Does assigning an unused object to null in Java improve the garbage collection process in any measurable way?

My experience with Java (and C#) has taught me that is often counter intuitive to try and outsmart the virtual machine or JIT, but I've seen co-workers use this method and I am curious if this is a good practice to pick up or one of those voodoo programming superstitions?



From "The Pragmatic Programmer" p.292:

By setting a reference to NULL you reduce the number of pointers to the object by one ... (which will allow the garbage collector to remove it)

I guess this is applicable only when reference count algo. is in use or otherwise also ?
This advice is obsolete for any modern garbage collector; and reference counting GC has significant problems, such as circular references.
Software Monkey
It would also be true in a mark and sweep GC; probably in all others. The fact that you have one less reference doesn't not mean it's reference counted. The answer by tweakt explains this. It's better to reduce scope than set to NULL.
+3  A: 

At least in java, it's not voodoo programming at all. When you create an object in java using something like

Foo bar = new Foo();

you do two things: first, you create a reference to an object, and second, you create the Foo object itself. So long as that reference or another exists, the specific object can't be gc'd. however, when you assign null to that reference...

bar = null ;

and assuming nothing else has a reference to the object, it's freed and available for gc the next time the garbage collector passes by.

Charlie Martin
But going out of scope will do the same thing without the extra line of code. If it's local to a method, there's no need. Once you leave the method, the object will be eligible for GC.
Good. now, for a pop quiz, construct an example of code for which that's NOT sufficient. Hint: they exist.
Charlie Martin
+16  A: 

Typically, no.

But like all things: it depends. The GC in Java these days is VERY good and everything should be cleaned up very shortly after it is no longer reachable. This is just after leaving a method for local variables, and when a class instance is no longer referenced for fields.

You only need to explicitly null if you know it would remain referenced otherwise. For example an array which is kept around. You may want to null the individual elements of the array when they are no longer needed.

For example, this code from ArrayList:

public E remove(int index) {

    E oldValue = (E) elementData[index];

    int numMoved = size - index - 1;
    if (numMoved > 0)
         System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index,
    elementData[--size] = null; // Let gc do its work

    return oldValue;

Also, explicitly nulling an object will not cause an object to be collected any sooner than if it just went out of scope naturally as long as no references remain.


void foo() {
   Object o = new Object();
   /// do stuff with o


void foo() {
   Object o = new Object();
   /// do stuff with o
   o = null;

Are functionally equivalent.

Mark Renouf
you might also want to null references inside methods that may use a large amount of memory or take a long time to execute, or in code in a Swing application that may run a long time. In short methods or short lived objects, its not worth the extra confusing code.
John Gardner
+1  A: 

Good article is today's coding horror.

The way GC's work is by looking for objects that do not have any pointers to them, the area of their search is heap/stack and any other spaces they have. So if you set a variable to null, the actual object is now not pointed by anyone, and hence could be GC'd.

But since the GC might not run at that exact instant, you might not actually be buying yourself anything. But if your method is fairly long (in terms of execution time) it might be worth it since you will be increasing your chances of GC collecting that object.

The problem can also be complicated with code optimizations, if you never use the variable after you set it to null, it would be a safe optimization to remove the line that sets the value to null (one less instruction to execute). So you might not actually be getting any improvement.

So in summary, yes it can help, but it will not be deterministic.

That article is eerily timely and appropriate. Thanks for the response.
James McMahon

"It depends"

I do not know about Java but in .net (C#, it is usually not required to assign a null when you no longer require a object.

However note that it is "usually not required".

By analyzing your code the .net compiler makes a good valuation of the life time of the accurately tell when the object is not being used anymore. So if you write obj=null it might actually look as if the obj is still being this case it is counter productive to assign a null.

There are a few cases where it might actually help to assign a null. One example is you have a huge code that runs for long time or a method that is running in a different thread, or some loop. In such cases it might help to assign null so that it is easy for the GC to know its not being used anymore.

There is no hard & fast rule for this. Going by the above place null-assigns in your code and do run a profiler to see if it helps in any way. Most probably you might not see a benefit.

If it is .net code you are trying to optimize, then my experience has been that taking good care with Dispose and Finalize methods is actually more beneficial than bothering about nulls.

Some references on the topic:

+1  A: 

I assume the OP is referring to things like this:

private void Blah()
    MyObj a;
    MyObj b;

    try {
        a = new MyObj();
        b = new MyObj;

        // do real work
    } finally {
        a = null;
        b = null;

In this case, wouldn't the VM mark them for GC as soon as they leave scope anyway?

Or, from another perspective, would explicitly setting the items to null cause them to get GC'd before they would if they just went out of scope? If so, the VM may spend time GC'ing the object when the memory isn't needed anyway, which would actually cause worse performance CPU usage wise because it would be GC'ing more earlier.

The time at which the GC runs is non-deterministic. I don't believe setting an object to `null` influences the GC behaviour at all.
+1  A: 

It depends.

Generally speaking shorter you keep references to your objects, faster they'll get collected.

If your method takes say 2 seconds to execute and you don't need an object anymore after one second of method execution, it makes sense to clear any references to it. If GC sees that after one second, your object is still referenced, next time it might check it in a minute or so.

Anyway, setting all references to null by default is to me premature optimization and nobody should do it unless in specific rare cases where it measurably decreases memory consuption.

lubos hasko
+4  A: 

In my experience, more often than not, people null out references out of paranoia not out of necessity. Here is a quick guideline:

  1. If object A references object B and you no longer need this reference and object A is not eligible for garbage collection then you should explicitly null out the field. There is no need to null out a field if the enclosing object is getting garbage collected anyway. Nulling out fields in a dispose() method is almost always useless.

  2. There is no need to null out object references created in a method. They will get cleared automatically once the method terminates. The exception to this rule is if you're running in a very long method or some massive loop and you need to ensure that some references get cleared before the end of the method. Again, these cases are extremely care.

I would say that the vast majority of the time you will not need to null out references. Trying to outsmart the garbage collector is useless. You will just end up with inefficient, unreadable code.

+1  A: 

Explicitly setting a reference to null instead of just letting the variable go out of scope, does not help the garbage collector, unless the object held is very large, where setting it to null as soon as you are done with is a good idea.

Generally setting references to null, mean to the READER of the code that this object is completely done with and should not be concerned about any more.

A similar effect can be achieved with by putting in an extra set of braces

{ int l; { String bigThing = ....; l = bigThing.length(); }


this allows the bigThing to be garbage collected right after leaving the nested braces.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen

public class JavaMemory { private final int dataSize = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * 0.6);

public void f() {  
  byte[] data = new byte[dataSize];   
  //data = null;

 byte[] data2 = new byte[dataSize];  

public static void main(String[] args) {

 JavaMemory jmp = new JavaMemory();



Above program throws OutOfMemoryError. If you uncomment data = null;, the OutOfMemoryError is solved. It is always good practice to set the unused variable to null

That is, imo, a solid foray into the world of straw man arguments. Just because you CAN create a situation where setting the variable to null will solve the issue in that particular case (and I'm not convinced that you have done such) does not imply that setting it to null is a good idea in every case. Adding in the code to set every variable you're not using anymore to null, even when they'd go out of scope shortly thereafter, just adds to code bloat and makes the code less maintainable.

Even if nullifying the reference were marginally more efficient, would it be worth the ugliness of having to pepper your code with these ugly nullifications? They would only be clutter and obscure the intent code that contains them.

Its a rare codebase that has no better candidate for optimisation than trying to outsmart the Garbage collector (rarer still are developers who succeed in outsmarting it). Your efforts will most likely be better spent elsewhere instead, ditching that crufty Xml parser or finding some opportunity to cache computation. These optimisations will be easier to quantify and don't require you dirty up your codebase with noise.
