We are testing an application specific Design where we need to show progressive counts after firing many queries simultaneously.
When we are firing a single query, we are successfully able to get Results Asynchronously.
But, when we are firing 3-4 queries simultaneously, after a significant amount of time & after getting some records for each query we are getting an exception which states
“com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.SqlException: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1218, SQLSTATE: 57011, SQLERRMC: 4099”
Because of this, all the queries fired do not get executed completely.
There is no problem if these queries are fired one by one. (query2 starts executing after query1 completes & so on)
After looking for this SQLCODE in Control Center we found out the details which are,
SQL1218N There are no pages currently available in bufferpool
All of the pages in the bufferpool are currently being used. A request to use another page failed.
The statement may be successful if executed again. If this error occurs frequently, some or all of the following actions may prevent further failures:
increase the bufferpool size
decrease the maximum number of database agents and/or connections
decrease the maximum degree of parallelism
decrease the prefetch size for table spaces that are in this
move some table spaces into other bufferpools.
sqlcode: -1218
sqlstate: 57011
On our DB instance, we already had a buffer pool of 32K page size & even after creating another buffer pool of 32K, the problem persists.
Can anyone kindly help us in solving the problem.
Thanks & Regards,
Ravindra Jain