




I have one JSP page which has one text field. am entering some kannada characters and am able to encode it in utf-8 format and am passing this value to another JSP. In alert box am getting correct characters. But when i store into MS-acces by using JDBC-ODBC driver, the values are stored in question mark and while fectching also it displays question mark in JSP..so how do i solve this problem?? can u plz help me.. Thanku in advance!!

+1  A: 

This article from Microsoft leads me to believe that there's a problem with ODBC drivers and Unicode. But I'm not 100% certain.

I'd try either switching databases or ODBC drivers if the article turned out to be true. Is Access a requirement?

+1 on changing databases, Access should never be connected to a web app. There are much better free alternatives as well as SQL Server.

Its not access requirement..but am trying in MS-acces before moving to oracle

My recommendation would be to move to Oracle and not bother with Access. If you need a local database for development, you're better off with MySQL or PostgreSQL.

now am able to get the values back to the JSP page. but in access its storing in some other foramt like i observed as western europian(ISO)..how cud i see the kannada characters in access??

Do you have the character set installed on your machine? Can you enter Kannada characters directly into Access without using your app or the driver? Can you try a pure JDBC driver to check and see if it's ODBC or the bridge?