I have a table of datas encoded in latin5 charset and all the columns in the table are also latin5. From mysql console when I enter "SET NAMES 'latin5'" and query the table results are ok . When I try to delete or insert/update all the new data's encodings are perfect. But when I try to insert Iso-8859 data (also verify this with mb_detect_encoding) to the database and I try to insert the data without "SET NAMES" it doesn't insert/update/select in proper encodings or when I used "SET NAMES 'latin5'" it doesn't insert/update in proper way but select are ok latin5 datas are coming in proper encodings in with only set names 'latin5'. When i use set names 'utf8' the select queries are bad encoded but insert/update are ok.
The reason I asked that we will go to production. And this makes me thinking about possible future problems.