I have some code in c# that is writing information (row by row) into an access database using prepared statements. I am using OleDb, and a TransactionLevel.ReadUncommitted because sometimes I need to look at the data before committing it.
The problem seems to be that on 1 out of 7 different tables, the ordering that I retrieve the records from the database isn't the same ordering I put them in as. This happens about 1 out of every 4 times I try to use it, so I can't really seem to debug it.
Edit The reason ordering is important here is that we are dumping the table to an excel sheet which matches up with data already existing on there. Order by might make some progress, but there is a column which is ordered by a movement (i.e. N-NW) that couldn't be ordered to match up with the data on the sheet.
I'm leaning toward it being a race condition of the prepared statement's insert command (i.e. there are too many for access to handle at once, so they get jumbled).
Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Below are a couple of snippets of what I'm doing: (Sorry about the length, I tried to cut out as much as I could but still get the main components out)
protected override void PopulateTmpTable()
OleDbCommand objComm = null;
objComm = new OleDbCommand("", mDbconn);
//Begin SQL Transaction
mTr = mDbconn.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
objComm.Transaction = mTr;
//Start Populating Temp Table
for (int i = 1; i <= mNrows; i++)
ProcessNode(objComm, node, approaches);
ProcessNodeSummary(objComm, node);
catch (Exception e) { }
if (mTr != null) mTr.Commit();
if (objComm != null) objComm.Dispose();
} //End Method PopulateTmpTable
private void ProcessNode(OleDbCommand objComm, string node, List<string> approaches)
OleDbCommand objComm2 = new OleDbCommand("", mDbconn, mTr);
for (int k = 0; k < MaxLegs; k++)
total = ProcessIterations(objComm, node, turning[m], m);
} //End if
} //End for
catch { }
} //End Method ProcessNode
private List<double> ProcessIterations(OleDbCommand objComm, string node, string turn, int m)
OleDbCommand objComm2 = new OleDbCommand("", mDbconn, mTr);
OleDbDataReader objRead;
objComm.Parameters["parameter"].Value = //Stuff (x2)
for (int j = 0; j < mIterations; j++)
objComm2.CommandText = "SELECT ROUND(AVG(Delay),1), COUNT(VehNo) FROM [TABLE] WHERE NodeNo=" + node + " AND Movement='" + turn + "' AND Iteration=" + mIterationValue[j] + mFilter[1];
objRead = objComm2.ExecuteReader();
objComm.Parameters["more parameters"].Value = objRead[0];
catch { }
}//End for
objComm2.CommandText = "UPDATE " + mTmptable + " SET ave=" + avg + ",minimum=" + mMini[m] + ",maximum=" + mMaxi[m] + ",dev=" + stDev + " WHERE node='" + node + "' AND movement = '" + temp + "';";
return mTotal;
} //End Function ProcessIterations