I have a program that captures live data from a piece of hardware on a set interval. The data is returned as XML. There are several things I would like to do with this data (in order): -display it to user -save it to disk -eventually, upload it to database
My current approach is to take the XML, parse it into a hashtable so I can display the correct values to the user.
Next, I want to save the XML to a file on disk. For each data capture session I am planning on creating a unique XML file and I will dump all the data into it.
Finally, I would like to reparse the XML and upload it to a MySQL database. The data cannot be immediately uploaded to the database.
This seems really inefficient method of solving this problem and I would love some advice.
Is it a waste of hd space to save the data as XML?
Is it THAT inefficient to have to reparse the XML in order to write it to a database?
Thank you!
To clarify: a typical XML response will be ~1kb and are captured at a rate of about 1 response every 15-60 seconds.
I think I do want to store the XML as XML on the disk because the data is very valuable and a pain to reproduce (if it is even possible). Thank you!