I want to use ICallBackEventHandler however when I use it to call back to the server I find that my form control objects don't have the latest form values. Is there a way to force populate the values with the form data?
I want to use ICallBackEventHandler however when I use it to call back to the server I find that my form control objects don't have the latest form values. Is there a way to force populate the values with the form data?
Have a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163863.aspx.
In short, you have to clear the variable '__theFormPostData', and call the 'WebForm_InitCallback()' before the 'CallbackEventReference' script. This updates the form values with the user input values. Something like this:
// from the above link
string js = String.Format("javascript:{0};{1};{2}; return false;",
"__theFormPostData = ''",
Page.GetCallbackEventReference(this, args, "CallbackValidator_UpdateUI", "null"));
You obviously still dont have the same issue but wha you need to do is recall WebForm_InitCallback() prior to your JavaScript Callback Code. This will get the page to refresh the POST values in your Request.Form object.
When you now do a PostBack the values modified during Callbacks will be available. It goes without saying they will be available during Callbacks.
function SomeCode()
__theFormPostCollection.length = 0;
__theFormPostData = "";
ExecuteMyCallbackMethod("yaday", "yadya");