I can't display the first entry from my query that returns multiple answers. For example, a search with a result set of five will return the second to fifth and miss the first entry. If I search for something that has one entry as output it doesn't return anything but just hangs because it is the first and only entry in the database. When I debug it and search for something that I know has only one entry in the DB, it goes to line 12 then 15 then 25. How can I modify the loop to include the first entry to be printed also?
try {
ResultSet rs;
String comparex = jTextField2.getText().trim().toUpperCase();// puts the textfield into a string object
rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT * FROM BASTIMP where DETAILS like '%"+comparex+"%'"
); //paradox equivalent '..comparex..'
String amount;
String date;
String attached = "";
if (rs.next()) // **Line 12**
}else {
DisplayAreaX.setText("ENTER VALID VENDOR");
while (rs.next()) { // **Line 15**
String details = rs.getString("DETAILS"); //get results from DETAILS
date = rs.getString ("DATE PAID"); //CORRECT?
amount = rs.getString ("AMOUNT BANK");
attached = attached + details +":"+ '\n'+ "Date " +date+ " / "+
"Amount £"+ amount+ '\n'; // - ADDS MULTIPLE ENTRIES ON OUTPUT OF jList!
System.out.println(details+":"+ '\n'+ "Date "+date+ " / "+
"Amount £"+ amount+ '\n');
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + e.toString());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cE) {
System.out.println("Class Not Found Exception: " + cE.toString());
} // **Line 25**