I have an aspx page that uses a master page. On this page I have a group of radio buttons. I need to get at the checked property for each of the elements in the radio button group in javascript. Before the page was converted to use a master page, the following javascript code worked just fine:
if((!f.rblRegUseVehicles[0].checked) && (!f.rblRegUseVehicles[1].checked))
isValid = "false";
f is the reference to the form. This worked just fine.
When the page was chanded to use a Master Page, I changed the javascript to the following:
if((!f.<%=rblRegUseVehicles.ClientID%>[0].checked) && (!f.<%=rblRegUseVehicles.ClientID%>[1].checked))
isValid = "false";
Now, the javascript is failing because it can't find the element. In the "View Source" I have elements with the name:
<input id="ctl00_cphContent_rblRegUseVehicles_0" type="radio" name="ctl00$cphContent$rblRegUseVehicles" value="Yes" />
<input id="ctl00_cphContent_rblRegUseVehicles_1" type="radio" name="ctl00$cphContent$rblRegUseVehicles" value="No" />
The only code that works is
I want the javascript to reference the array like before the page was converted to use a Master Page. How can I do that?