I organize several book clubs and have the exact same idea right now-- a developer oriented book club. Here is my amazon list of candidate books that could fit the typical book club format. Most people that will be willing to go to a book club have already been to other book clubs and know the routine. If you don't pick a book that fits with those expectations, the discussion might not be much about the book. The social script for a book club is to wander off topic as fast as possible if the book doesn't lend itself to discussion.
Ideally, a book-club-book should be something that can be read cover to cover without firing up an IDE or stopping to digest and probably not too much code in it. I can't open The Pragmatic Programmer to look, but this looks in the right ballpark. People tend to read the book for the book club in a big hurry a day or three before the event. C++ in 21 days is not a good candidate.
Book club discussions favor lower density, shorter books. A heavy algortims book that covers the difference between bubble sorts isn't a good choice, but if you really, really wanted to do something of this sort, then stick to a chapter or two. Still, if the content is cut and dried facts, there may not be much to discuss. So we read a chapter together and we now grok bubble sorts and alternative sort algorithms. What's to discuss?
Book club discussions tend to run long. Lunch time work work as well as a weekend. If what I'm saying sounds all off key, what you may have had in mind is a brown-bag presentation, where attendees might read something to prepare, everyone attends at lunch and one person lectures for an hour with Q&A at the end. The brown-bag format, imho, would work very well for a code centric book, like Clean Code.