I have strings like X,Y. I want to separate X from Y using javascript. Please describe how to as I am new at javascript
var Test= "X,Y";
var Part = Test.slice(0, 1);
var Test = "X,Y";
var Part = Test.substr(0, 1);
2009-01-20 07:34:59
this will only work if X and Y will always be one charachter...
Jan Hancic
2009-01-20 07:36:03
He didn't ask to split it always on the position where the "," is, he asked how to get a substring.
2009-01-20 07:37:09
You could use the split() method on a string, which will split the string into a array:
var myString = "X,Y";
var myArray = myString.split ( "," );
myArray will then contain "X" on index 0, and Y on index 1
Or you could use the substring method as so:
var myString = "X,Y";
var myX = myString.substring ( 0, myString.indexOf ( "," ) );
var myY = myString.substring ( myString.indexOf ( "," ) + 1 );
Jan Hancic
2009-01-20 07:35:29