(I'm still banging on with units of measure in F#)
I'm having a problem making 'generic' functions which take 'typed' floats.
The following mockup class is intended to keep tabs on a cumulative error in position, based on a factor 'c'. The compiler doesn't like me saying 0.<'a> in the body of the type ("Unexpected type parameter in unit-of-measure literal").
///Corrects cumulative error in position based on s and c
type Corrector(s_init:float<'a>) =
let deltaS ds c = sin (ds / c) //incremental error function
//mutable values
let mutable nominal_s = s_init
let mutable error_s = 0.<'a> //<-- COMPILER NO LIKE
///Set new start pos and reset error to zero
member sc.Reset(s) =
nominal_s <- s
error_s <- 0.<'a> //<-- COMPILER NO LIKE
///Pass in new pos and c to corrector, returns corrected s and current error
member sc.Next(s:float<'a>, c:float<'a>) =
let ds = s - nominal_s //distance since last request
nominal_s <- s //update nominal s
error_s <- error_s + (deltaS ds c) //calculate cumulative error
(nominal_s + error_s, error_s) //pass back tuple
Another related question, I believe, still to do with 'generic' functions.
In the following code, what I am trying to do is make a function which will take a #seq of any type of floats and apply it to a function which only accepts 'vanilla' floats. The third line gives a 'Value Restriction' error, and I can't see any way out. (Removing the # solves the problem, but I'd like to avoid having to write the same thing for lists, seqs, arrays etc.)
[<Measure>] type km //define a unit of measure
let someFloatFn x = x + 1.2 //this is a function which takes 'vanilla' floats
let MapSeqToNonUnitFunction (x:#seq<float<'a>>) = Seq.map (float >> someFloatFn) x
let testList = [ 1 .. 4 ] |> List.map float |> List.map ((*) 1.0<km>)
MapSeqToNonUnitFunction testList