I'm having an issue with Delphi 2007 when trying to consume a web service I've set up in Java using JAX-WS. The web service can be consumed fine from another Java program and from a C# / ASP.NET 2.0 website. However, when I try to access the same service using the WSDL Importer in Delphi 2007 (17-DEc-2007 patch), the JAX-WS web service doesn't recognise any of the parameters I'm passing it and nulls them.
I've checked the SOAP message that's being passed by Delphi and compared it to the others and they are pretty much identical (with the exception of some negligable namespace decs and a whole lot of view state from the .NET one!)
I've also been around the web (most helpful link was Dr Bob's http://www.bobswart.nl/Weblog/Blog.aspx?RootId=5:798) but no joy.
Has anybody come across this before?