



Using this previous question as motivation, I would like to temporarily store images and videos in Isolated Storage. My application (written in WPF/C#) will allow a user to review these temporarily stored items by viewing their contents in a MediaElement. I was hoping to set the MediaElement's Source Property to a video or image's URI stored in IsolatedStorage but I cannot figure out how to dynamically create a URI since it doesn't appear to be naively supported by IsolatedStorage. Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you in advance!

Update - 1/21/09 After battling the issue for a day, I concluded that the Isolated Storage approach is not practical for storing large video files that need to be referenced by a Uri.


Isolated Storage is intended to provide a way for you to store data on the client WITHOUT knowing the specific location of the files you have stored. The reason for the lack of a URI is to keep the files you have stored in a "security sandbox". You may be able to figure out a way to get the actual URI but if there is a way it is likely that Microsoft will release a security patch that breaks your code.

I would find a different way to accomplish your task. It is generally a bad idea to try "fighting" the security settings in the platform since future platform changes could break your application.

Mark Ewer

Hi Mark Ewer,

I am Developing WPF application and storing my WPF application (or) some dataRelated Excel Sheets in D: drive. Can i give security to the D: drive.The D: cannot open diretly and cannot delete my saved data in D:Drive. The D: drive should be open by code only like giving secuirty Password(some what like that..). Can we do this in WP

Syed Shakeer