I have a hierarchy that I'd like to query with LinqToSql:
Country -> Region -> City -> ZipCode
Each entity holds both a reference to it's parent (eg. Region.Country) and a collection of it's children (eg. Region.Cities).
I'd like to eager load each entity's parent along with Countries and Regions but lazy load cities and zip codes.
To complicate things, each entity is being localized before being projected in to the model. So Country.Name changes based on the language.
Here's some snippets of what I have so far:
public IQueryable<Country> ListCountries()
return ProjectCountry(dataContext.GetTable<ec_Country>());
private IQueryable<Country> ProjectCountry(IQueryable<ec_Country> query)
var result = from country in query
join localized in dataContext.GetTable<ec_CountryLocalization>() on country.CountryID equals localized.CountryID
let regions = GetRegions(country.CountryID)
where localized.StatusID == 4 && localized.WebSiteID == this.webSiteID
select new Country(country.CountryID) {
CreatedDate = country.CreatedDate,
IsDeleted = country.IsDeleted,
IsoCode = country.IsoCode,
Name = country.Name,
Regions = new LazyList<Region>(regions),
Text = localized.Text,
Title = localized.Title,
UrlKey = country.UrlKey
return result;
private IQueryable<Region> GetRegions(Int32 countryID)
var query = from r in dataContext.GetTable<ec_Region>()
where r.CountryID == countryID
orderby r.Name
select r;
return ProjectRegion(query);
private IQueryable<Region> ProjectRegion(IQueryable<ec_Region> query)
var result = from region in query
join localized in dataContext.GetTable<ec_RegionLocalization>() on region.RegionID equals localized.RegionID
join country in ListCountries() on region.CountryID equals country.CountryID
let cities = GetCities(region.RegionID)
select new Region(region.RegionID) {
Cities = new LazyList<City>(cities),
Country = country,
CountryID = region.CountryID,
CreatedDate = region.CreatedDate,
IsDeleted = region.IsDeleted,
IsoCode = region.IsoCode,
Name = region.Name,
Text = localized.Text,
Title = localized.Title,
UrlKey = region.UrlKey
return result;
... etc.
public void DataProvider_Correctly_Projects_Country_Spike()
// Act
Country country = dataProvider.GetCountry(1);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(country.Regions.Count > 0);
The test fails with:
System.NotSupportedException: Method 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[Beeline.EducationCompass.Model.Region] GetRegions(Int32)' has no supported translation to SQL.
How would you recommend I go about this? Would it be simpler (or possible) if each level of the hierarchy was in the same table instead of separate ones?