




I have a List of Customers

List<Customers> cust = new List<Customers>();
cust.Add(new Customers(){ID=1, Name="Sam", PurchaseDate=DateTime.Parse("01/12/2008")});
cust.Add(new Customers(){ID=2, Name="Lolly" PurchaseDate=DateTime.Parse("03/18/2008")});

I want to show 2 seperate results like:

Purchases by Customer in Yr // Grouping by yr and display id,name
Purchases by Customer in Yr - Month // Grouping by yr then month and display id,name

Also What if i want to order the yr?


Just one more addition. If I have a field called "Status" in the Customer class with either of these values 'Y', 'N', 'C' standing for yes, no and cancel how will i create a query to give ratio in %

Y - 20% N - 30% C - 50%

+6  A: 

Grouping by year:

var groupByYear = customers.GroupBy(customer => customer.PurchaseDate.Year);

foreach (var group in groupByYear)
    Console.WriteLine("Year: {0}", group.Key);
    foreach (var customer in group)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", customer.ID, customer.Name);

Grouping by year and month:

var groupByYearMonth = customers.GroupBy(customer => 
     new DateTime(customer.PurchaseDate.Year, customer.PurchaseDate.Month, 1));
foreach (var group in groupByYear)
    Console.WriteLine("Year/month: {0}/{1}", group.Key.Year, group.Key.Month);
    foreach (var customer in group)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", customer.ID, customer.Name);


var ordered = customers.OrderBy(customer => customer.PurchaseDate.Year);

All of these use "dot notation" instead of query expressions because they're so simple - but you could use a query expression if you wanted to.

EDIT: For the status part, just use David B's answer.

Jon Skeet
dam you why are you so fast Jon. I was just writing my answer :)
Nathan W
So fast? The question's been up for 20 minutes :)
Jon Skeet
Not all of us sit on here all day Mr Skeet ;) (but I do so I suppose that call isn't really valid)
Nathan W
If I'd been on here all day it certainly wouldn't have taken me 20 minutes to answer ;) (I was on the tube when this question was posted...)
Jon Skeet

thanks so much Jon. Please see the update to the question

Please can you add this to your original question.
Nathan W
Or add another question! All the folks pursuing points *love* easy questions.
Mark Brittingham
+2  A: 
int total = customer.Count()

var counts = customers.GroupBy( c => c.Status )
  .Select( g => new
    Status = g.Key,
    TheRatio = (g.Count() * 100) / total;
David B
Thank you David.