I have a List of Customers
List<Customers> cust = new List<Customers>();
cust.Add(new Customers(){ID=1, Name="Sam", PurchaseDate=DateTime.Parse("01/12/2008")});
cust.Add(new Customers(){ID=2, Name="Lolly" PurchaseDate=DateTime.Parse("03/18/2008")});
I want to show 2 seperate results like:
Purchases by Customer in Yr // Grouping by yr and display id,name
Purchases by Customer in Yr - Month // Grouping by yr then month and display id,name
Also What if i want to order the yr?
Just one more addition. If I have a field called "Status" in the Customer class with either of these values 'Y', 'N', 'C' standing for yes, no and cancel how will i create a query to give ratio in %
Y - 20% N - 30% C - 50%