Working on an intranet where we have about 20 different web apps - some .net, some classic asp.
Currently each .net app is its own solution. There are advantages to this - we can build & deploy just one app, without affecting other apps, and all the apps share a session - but we can't use master pages, and there are real challenges using localization resources, shared css and js, etc. Build & deployment is done completely manually, which is a real problem.
I'm trying to set up a structure that will allow us to take advantage of VS2008 features, but still have the ability to update one app without affecting the others while still using features like master pages and localization resources, and sharing session between apps (so we can't set up virtual directories for each app).
If I set up single solution that looks like:
/Root - App_GlobalResources/ - shared -- masterpages/ -- css/ - App1/ - App2/ ... - AppN/ .. - ClassicASP1/
then the problem is that the build just produces a single DLL (Root.dll) - this will simply not scale to 20+ apps, all of which have different development cycles.
Is it possible (using nant, or some other build tool) to build multiple DLLs? In this case, I'd like to end up with Root.dll (contains the global resources at least) and App1.dll and App2.dll.
Any other suggestions or references I should look at?