Hopefully the title is self explanatory, what is the advantage of using the .call() method in Javascript compared with just writing functionName(); ?
If you don't pass anything into call()
, it will be the same; the function will be run with the same scope that the call to call()
is made:
function test() {
test(); // alerts the window object
test.call(); // alerts the window object
But if you pass an object into call()
, that object will be used as the scope:
test.call("hi"); // alerts "hi"
Ates Goral
2009-01-21 17:08:22
takes an object instance as its first parameter. It then runs functionName
within the context of that object instance (ie "this" is the specified instance)
David Arno
2009-01-21 17:09:14
Thanks, that makes sense.
2009-01-21 17:12:16
Let me show an example:
<script type="text/javascript">
var developerName = "window";
function test(){
var developer = function(developerName ){ this.developerName = developerName;}
developer.prototype = {
displayName : function(){alert(this.developerName );}
var developerA = new developer("developerA");
var developerB = new developer("developerB");
developerA.displayName();//will display an alert box with "developerA" as its inner text
developerA.displayName.call();//will display an alert box with "window" as its inner text, in this case the context is the window object.
developerA.displayName.call(developerB);//will display an alert box with "developerB" as its inner text
<input type="button" onclick="test()" value="display names"/>
Further reading:
Hope this helps.
Jaime Febres
2009-01-21 17:26:39