



I've got a .Net web system with a VB.Net front end talking to a SQL Server 2005 back end over ADO.Net. Essentially, what I want to do is this:

Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("", connection)
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM someTable ORDER BY orderValue @SortOrder"
Dim sortParam As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@SortOrder", SqlDbType.varChar, 3)
sortParam.Value = "ASC"
reader = command.ExecuteReader()

Where the sort order would be passed in via a query string or some such. This code throws "Incorrect syntax near '@SortOrder'. Statement(s) could not be prepared."

Is this even possible, or do I have some really dumb syntax error I'm not seeing?

(And, yes, the client is only running .net 2.0, so LINQ-based solutions won't work, sadly.

Thanks, all!

Update / Response:

Well, that's what I thought. Thanks for the sanity check, everybody. (For some context, the command string is currently being built dynamically, but we're moving the system in a more prepared statement direction, and this was one of the edge cases I didn't know was possible.

Thanks again!

+1  A: 

I don't think that is possible, only parameter values can be prepared.

Otávio Décio
+1  A: 

Nope, you'd need to build it into the SQL query each time, or if you have a sub set of sort orders, cache the command object for these and re-use as suites.

The short ansswer to the question though is "No"

Binary Worrier
+3  A: 

No, that won't work.

There are two possibilities that I can think of right off the top of my head to do what you're trying to do:

  1. Build the SQL string dynamically
  2. Return a Data Table from your query, and then use a View to do your sorting.
Stephen Wrighton
Be careful implementing the dynamic SQL strings, SQL injection. Preferred would be sorting in the view or one of the suggestions with the case statements. It might be a tad slower, but often that doesn't matter.
Robert Wagner
+2  A: 

While it is possible to update the columns used in a sort. Take the following example:

declare @fname int,@lname int

select @fname=1,@lname=0

select * from [user]
order by case when @Fname=1 then firstname when @lname=1 then lastname end

I don't think you can use this technique to modify the sort order but you can at least change the columns your sorting on. At least when I try get complaints about syntax with SQL 2005

+2  A: 

You can in a similar manner to an existing post.

declare @firstSortField int, @secondSortField int
set @firstSortField = 1
set @secondSortField = 3

select firstName, lastName, phoneNumber
from customers
order by 
    case @firstSortField when 1 then firstName when 2 then lastName when 3 then phoneNumber else null end, 
    case @secondSortField when 1 then firstName when 2 then lastName when 3 then phoneNumber else null end
Yes but he wants to change sort order not the field;-)
+1  A: 

This does exactly what you asked, and never puts user-entered strings anywhere near the database.

//get the requested order from the query string
string sortOrderRequest = request["SortOrder"].ToUpper();
string sortParam = "";
if ( sortOrderRequest.Equals("ASC"))
  sortParam = " order by ordervalue ASC ";
else if (sortOrderRequest.Equals("DESC"))
  sortParam = " order by ordervalue DESC ";

Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("", connection)
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM someTable " + sortParam;
reader = command.ExecuteReader()
+1  A: 

Sure can do. Create two aliased columns, SortASC and SortDESC, fill these with whatever you want, and sort on them.

-- Testcase setup
SET @OrderASC = 0

-- Statement required
 CASE @OrderASC WHEN 1 THEN Users.Alias ELSE null END AS _SortASC,
 CASE @OrderASC WHEN 0 THEN Users.Alias ELSE null END AS _SortDESC
FROM Users
Simon Svensson