I want to use SubSonic (2.2) in an application I'm building because I like its simplicity and it handles any type of query I can foresee needing. At the same time, I want to keep the upper layers of my application de-coupled from the Subsonic Types. I want to return just Plain Old C# Objects and also pass in POCOs to be saved.
But here's the catch: I want my POCOs to have Lazy loaded properties for Child collections and parent objects based upon the FK relationships. I figure I need to somehow put a Subsonic SqlQuery object in a private member on my POCO and use that internally in the getter for a lazy loaded property.
Any ideas about how to implement this specifically with SubSonic? Anyone done this before?
I do realize that the next major release of SubSonic will do this out-of-box, but that looks to be atleast a few months away.