I am developing an online strategy game using .Net v2. Although the game is primarily strategic, it does have some tactical elements that require reasonable network performance. I plan to use TCP packets for strategic data and UDP packets for tactical data.
{EDIT} I forgot to mention that I am leaning away from WCF and .NET 3+ for a couple of reasons. First, because I want to keep my download small and most of my customers already have .NET 2.0. Second, because I would like to have the option of porting to Mac and Linux and am unsure of WCF availability in Mono. {/EDIT}
I am looking for network library recommendations. I have found a few options, such as GarageGames' Torque Network Library (C++), RakNet (C++), and the lidgren network library (C#):
http://www.opentnl.org/ http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/ http://code.google.com/p/lidgren-network/
Does anyone have real-world experience with these or other libraries?