



In Visual Studio 2008, it seems that when I tab on a line it inserts either 4 spaces or a tab, however - when I backspace it removes a tab as if it were 4 spaces, one space at a time..

I checked the text-editor settings in Tools.. tried both use spaces and use tabs, neither seem to work.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance. Pete

+2  A: 

Well it's probably not writing tabs its converting tabs to spaces when you press tab. There is a setting in the options that tells VS how many spaces to insert when pressing tab, Maybe you can set it to actually insert a tab instead and backspace would then remove the tab. I've heard it's quite common to use spaces not tabs that's why its built into VS i guess.

+2  A: 

Aha!! Hi Robert, that's what I did try.. However, I needed to change this setting in the 'All Languages' section so it applied to every type of page.

"Keep tabs"

Thanks Pete

Please see Pospodo's answer, it makes more sense as a correct answer to the question I asked.
+4  A: 

Maybe I'm just crazy, but why don't you just press Shift + Tab instead of backspace if you want to get rid of the tabs?

You're crazy. That'll never wor... oh schnizzle, it works!
Crescent Fresh
Apologies for the late comment, yea I guess you are right, keep tabs isn't what I wanted - which was to get rid of tabs and get spaces instead.