For years I have visited the UVa Online Judge site to practice programming skills and just recently ( thanks to this site ) discovered the Sphere Online Judge site. I am interested to know which challenges from these sites folks here found the most interesting, difficult, satisfying, perplexing, or amusing.
I wouldn't say there is a problem that I like THE most, but I always love it when the problem is wrapped in a nice story, e.g. such as LA 4296 - Bring Your Own Horse
Personally, I like "Check the Check" (Problem 10196) -- mainly because I love chess and, as Steven Skiena has pointed out, once you solve this one you're well on your way to building a complete chess engine.
You may want to check out He grades the problems by difficulty, so you can see where you stand. It's also interesting to see how many problems have essentially no solution -- (or at least, have not yet been solved by anyone on that site).
Personally, I need a more gentle introduction to algorithmic problems -- none of my degrees are in CS, and I'm playing self-education catch-up. For that reason, I prefer USACO's Training Site.
Edit: I forgot to finish the last sentence of the second paragraph. Fixed that.
I really like the TopCoder algorithm competitions and practice rooms.