I am creating a portal where many sites will run of the same MVC application. I have a list of Sites stored in the HttpRuntime.Cache. Is it wrong to access the cache via a static method? Should I instead be passing this on view data?
For example, is this wrong on the view:
<%= SiteHelper.CurrentSite %>
Where the code for SiteHelper is:
public class SiteHelper {
private static object @lock = new object();
private const string siteKey = "FelixSites";
public static Site CurrentSite {
get {
var context = HttpContext.Current.Wrap();
var sites = context.Cache[siteKey] as Site[];
if (sites == null) {
lock (@lock) {
if (sites == null) {
sites = SiteService.GetSites();
context.Cache[siteKey] = sites;
return sites.Single(s => s.Domain == context.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri);