



So I have a TMenuItem attached to a TAction on a TPopupMenu for a TDBGrid (actually 3rd party, but you get the idea). Based on the selected row in the grid, the TAction is enabled or disabled. What I want is to be able to display a hint to the user explaining why the item is disabled.

As far as why I want a hint on a disabled menu item, lets just say I am in agreement with Joel.

All TMenuItem's have a hint property, but as best I can tell they are only used the the TApplicationEvent.OnHint event handler to stick the hint in a TStatusBar or some other special processing. I found an article on how to create your own even window for a TMainMenu's TMenuItems, but it doesn't work on a TPopupMenu's TMenuItem. It works by handling the WM_MENUSELECT message, which as far as I can tell is not sent on a TPopupMenu.

+1  A: 

Not sure if it helps, but I have created my own multi-line hint window (for Delphi7) to be able to show more then just one line of text. It's open source and you can find it here.

There is some work involved showing it on the right location on the screen, but you have full control over it.

Yeah, I considered that, but I was kind of hoping there was a way that didn't involve managing and moving my own hint window. Thanks!
Jim McKeeth
I was hoping for a multi line hint and then wrote my own ;)
+1  A: 

WM_MENUSELECT is indeed handled for menu items in popup menus also, but not by the windows proc of the form containing the (popup) menu, but by an invisible helper window created by Menus.PopupList. Luckily you can (at least under Delphi 5) get at this HWND via Menus.PopupList.Window.

Now you can use the old-fashioned way to subclass a window, as described for example in this CodeGear article, to handle WM_MENUSELECT also for popup menus. The HWND will be valid from after the first TPopupMenu is created to before the last TPopupMenu object is destroyed.

A quick test with the demo app in the linked article in the question should reveal whether this is going to work.

Edit: It does indeed work. I changed the linked example to show hints also for the popup menu. Here are the steps:

Add a handler for OnDestroy, a member variable for the old window proc and a method for the new window proc to the form:

TForm1 = class(TForm)
  procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
  procedure ApplicationEvents1Hint(Sender: TObject);
  miHint : TMenuItemHint;
  fOldWndProc: TFarProc;
  procedure WMMenuSelect(var Msg: TWMMenuSelect); message WM_MENUSELECT;
  procedure PopupListWndProc(var AMsg: TMessage);

Change the OnCreate handler of the form to subclass the hidden PopupList window, and implement the proper restoration of the window proc in the OnDestroy handler:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  NewWndProc: TFarProc;
  miHint := TMenuItemHint.Create(self);

  NewWndProc := MakeObjectInstance(PopupListWndProc);
  fOldWndProc := TFarProc(SetWindowLong(Menus.PopupList.Window, GWL_WNDPROC,

procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
  NewWndProc: TFarProc;
  NewWndProc := TFarProc(SetWindowLong(Menus.PopupList.Window, GWL_WNDPROC,

Implement the subclassed window proc:

procedure TForm1.PopupListWndProc(var AMsg: TMessage);
  Msg: TWMMenuSelect;
  menuItem: TMenuItem;
  AMsg.Result := CallWindowProc(fOldWndProc, Menus.PopupList.Window,
    AMsg.Msg, AMsg.WParam, AMsg.LParam);
  if AMsg.Msg = WM_MENUSELECT then begin
    menuItem := nil;
    Msg := TWMMenuSelect(AMsg);
    if (Msg.MenuFlag <> $FFFF) or (Msg.IDItem <> 0) then
      menuItem := PopupMenu1.FindItem(Msg.IDItem, fkCommand);

This is done for the single popup menu in the example only, in real code one would need to loop through all popup menus of the application, using either Menus.PopupList or another self-maintained list.

Works using Delphi 2007.

I like your tenacity. I will test this and let you know.
Jim McKeeth