




Anyone have a quick method for de-duplicating a generic List in C#?

+12  A: 

Sort it, then check two and two next to each others, as the duplicates will clump together.

Something like this:

Int32 index = 0;
while (index < list.Count - 1)
    if (list[index] == list[index + 1])
Lasse V. Karlsen
If I am not mistaken, most of the approaches mentioned above are just abstractions of this very routines, right? I would have taken your approach here, Lasse, because its how I mentally picture moving through data. But, now I am interested in performance differences between some of the suggestions.
Ian Patrick Hughes
Implement them and time them, only way to be sure. Even Big-O notation won't help you with actual performance metrics, only a growth effect relationship.
Lasse V. Karlsen
+31  A: 

Perhaps you should consider using a HashSet?

Jason Baker
+2  A: 

In Java (I assume C# is more or less identical):

list = new ArrayList<T>(new HashSet<T>(list))

If you really wanted to mutate the original list:

List<T> noDupes = new ArrayList<T>(new HashSet<T>(list));

To preserve order, simply replace HashSet with LinkedHashSet.

Tom Hawtin - tackline
+2  A: 

If you don't care about the order you can just shove the items into a HashSet, if you do want to maintain the order you can do something like this:

var unique = new List<T>();
var hs = new HashSet<T>();
foreach (T t in list)
    if (hs.Add(t))

Or the Linq way:

var hs = new HashSet<T>();
list.All( x =>  hs.Add(x) );

Edit: The HashSet method is O(N) time and O(N) space while sorting and then making unique (as suggested by @lassevk and others) is O(N*lgN) time and O(1) space so it's not so clear to me (as it was at first glance) that the sorting way is inferior (my apologies for the temporary down vote...)

+16  A: 

How about:-

var noDupes = list.Distinct().ToList();

In .net 3.5?

+55  A: 

If you're using .Net 3+, you can use Linq.

List<T> withDupes = LoadSomeData();
List<T> noDupes = withDupes.Distinct().ToList();
Factor Mystic
That code will fail as .Distinct() returns an IEnumerable<T>. You have to add .ToList() to it.
Why do you init withDupes only to overwrite the empty List a line later?
because I'm dumb :)
Factor Mystic
+8  A: 

As kronoz said in .Net 3.5 you can use Distinct().

In .Net 2 you could mimic it:

public IEnumerable<T> DedupCollection<T> ( IEnumerable<T> input ) {
    HashSet<T> passedValues = new HashSet<T>();

    //relatively simple dupe check alg used as example
    foreach( T item in input)
        if( passedValues.Contains(item) )
        else {
            yield return item;

This could be used to dedupe any collection and will return the values in the original order.

It's normally much quicker to filter a collection (as both Distinct() and this sample does) than it would be to remove items from it.

The problem with this approach though is that it's O(N^2)-ish, as opposed to a hashset. But at least it's evident what it is doing.
@DrJokepu - actually I didn't realise that the `HashSet` constructor deduped, which makes it better for most circumstances. However, this would preserve the sort order, which a `HashSet` doesn't.
+5  A: 

Simply initialize a HashSet with a List of the same type:

var noDupes = new HashSet<T>(withDupes);
Even Mien

An extension method might be a decent way to go... something like this:

public static List<T> Deduplicate<T>(this List<T> listToDeduplicate) { return listToDeduplicate.Distinct().ToList(); }

And then call like this, for example:

List myFilteredList = unfilteredList.Deduplicate();

Geoff Taylor

I tried this approach and I noticed that it works only with anonymous methods.

var res = from p in list let sub = p.Word.IsMatch(search) where sub.Count > 0 select new MyMatch() { Word= p.Word, Phrase = p.Phrase };

res = res.Distinct().ToList();

Using this syntax, duplicates are not removed. They are removed only if I do this, using anonymous methods.

var res = from p in list let sub = p.Word.IsMatch(search) where sub.Count > 0 select new { Word= p.Word, Phrase = p.Phrase };

res = res.Distinct().ToList();

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. Andrea

Andrea Nagar

thanks boys it helped me........:)

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