



hi i would like to create a custom calendar, this calendar will have custom month names and day names

it will contain 13 months with 28 days each

do i need to create and entire Culture or can i just created my own System.Globalization.Calendar implementaion?


You could always create your own class where you just have a an array of "months" where the month actually just have the amount of days and name.

But i guess you can't use the built in calendar so you need to create it from scratch.

The amount of months in a Year isn't something that is set in the Culture, thats a globaly defined number. There's no culture that got more than 12 months.

Filip Ekberg
so you are telling me there no way to have a 13 month by implementing the Calendar class of System.Globalization.Calendar
Oscar Cabrero
@Filip: If this were true why would System.Globalization.Calendar offer a GetMonthsInYear method?
Some years in the Jewish calendar have 13 months.
Robert L
I rest my case.
Filip Ekberg
+5  A: 

I'm not familiar with .NET, but a quick googling turned this up. Maybe you could use it as a starting point.

Vietnamese Lunar Calendar for .NET

this is the right path to create a custom calendar, Thanks
Oscar Cabrero