I'm currently charged of developing a way to use WF in our application and I have a set requirements that I need to follow.
- I need to be able to define the workflow purely on text so I can store it and retrieve it for execution.
- During the workflow execution a DataObject needs to be passed between the activities so they can perform operation on it.
- The activities are defined by external classes, the activities need to access an instance of the class that defines them so they can call its methods.
I've been studying WF and I came up with some solutions but I'm not sure if they are the best ones.
One of my biggest problems is to make available to the activities an instace of the classes that define them. Is there a way to provide to the workflow runtime an activity factory or something like that? Another problem comes from using Pure XAML workflow definitions. I need to be able to pass the DataObject to the first activiy so it can be used in the workflow.
I have some difficulty explaining the problem, I hope its clear enough.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.