I used the code below to compress files and they keep growing instead of shrinking. I comressed a 4 kb file and it became 6. That is understandable for a small file because of the compression overhead. I tried a 400 mb file and it became 628 mb after compressing. What is wrong? See the code. (.net 2.0)
Public Sub Compress(ByVal infile As String, ByVal outfile As String)
Dim sourceFile As FileStream = File.OpenRead(inFile)
Dim destFile As FileStream = File.Create(outfile)
Dim compStream As New GZipStream(destFile, CompressionMode.Compress)
Dim myByte As Integer = sourceFile.ReadByte()
While myByte <> -1
compStream.WriteByte(CType(myByte, Byte))
myByte = sourceFile.ReadByte()
End While
End Sub