



Have two connected sortable lists inside a div. Need to be able to reorder items in each list, and also drag items from top list to bottom list within the same 'portlet' div (but not drag them to another div. This is working (sort of) but seems to be randomly resorting lists on drop - back to the original order (depending on browser, this can be more or less frequent), including the 'portlet' divs

Online demo is here

I was wondering if there needed to be some time delay, as if I do it 'really' slowly it usually doesn't happen. (Having said that it seems to work ok in Internet Explorer).

Also, when dropping a list item into the connected sortable list, it activates the link (though again not in IE)

(Once we get this bit working next thing will be to add cookies to store user preferences)

Hope this is clear (newbie :|

Any help, pointers much appreciated