




What are your thoughts on the best blogging platforms for .NET bloggers? I've used BlogEngine.NET and it was ok. I've never used SubText or dasBlog. There are some commercial products which have free editions, such as Telerik's Sitefinity and Telligent's Community Server or Graffiti.

Anyone have any thoughts?

+3  A: 

I've used SubText in a shared hosting environment with the SQL Server provider and I found the response time to be very poor. I went to BlogEngine with the file provider and was much more pleased with the results.

I also found the BlogEngine engine to be much easier to administer.

"in a shared environment" There's your problem. SQL Server + shared hosting can be a pain.
Joel Coehoorn
SubText works just fine for me. Dedicated box though
Unfortunately not all of us can afford dedicated boxes =)
Is there some mechanism with BlogEngine.NET for migrating from SQL provider to XML provider, or vice versa?
Kevin Babcock
You could always export using BlogML, switch the underlying provider, and then import the BlogML (back up everything, of course).
+2  A: 

hi i am just testing dasblog and BlonEngine.Net since i want to host one of them. BlogEngine has a good response time and it can be setup in no time. on both of them you can change the provider to be XML or SQL. BlogEngine post editor is very poor, in order to add links you need to manually modifythe HTML.

dasblog is not being update that often like BlogEngine.

if you like to try an MVC one you can use oxite but i havent heard good comments about it

also this question was already asked see here

Oscar Cabrero
Thanks for the reply and pointer to the other link. I did a search before posting but didn't notice that post.
Kevin Babcock
+2  A: 

I use Sitefinity CMS, but I'm pretty biased. The blogging module is good enough for my use (it supports MetaWeblog & Windows Live Writer). Sitefinity is a CMS and not purely focused on being a blogging platform. For pure blogging, I would imagine other platforms might be better.

This being said, because I'm an ASP.NET developer I wanted the ability to easily modify & extend the underlying system. Sitefinity is easy to extend using traditional user controls. For these reasons, Sitefinity is a good blogging platform for ASP.NET programmers.

Lastly, Sitefinity has a community edition that is fully functional, 100% free and can be used for commercial web sites. Best of luck!
