



We have 71 Branches, each branch have one SQL Server for Application and around 7-10 users who use AD user to login into Branch Application. They do not use any Database user. A single SQL Database user is shared by all users. Application internally manage the connectivity with AD user and in the application we have the option to give different security roles to AD user.

Branch SQL Server is connect to Head Office Central SQL Server for replications. Branch user can not connect to HO Server directly. Only Branch Server connect to HO Server for replication. No of server license is clear but what will be the number of user CAL?

Please help.

+6  A: 

Without sounding horrible, you really need to speak to a Licensing specialist at either your reseller or Microsoft; licensing is a nightmare at the best of times and you'll likely need to speak to a Licensing person to order the CALs anyway.

Steven Robbins
I think that the Licensing pain (not the cost, the nonsense of Server/CAL/exception/bulk/Software Assurance) is the *better* reason to consider alternate solutions. Grrr.
At least MS licensing is understood by a lot of resellers.. I can't remember how many different answers I got from VMWare last time I asked them a licensing question :-)
Steven Robbins
Probably true. I really wish it was simply "give us money and you can do X".