After reading this on the question How do I uniquely identify computers visiting my web site? :
A possibility is using flash cookies:
Ubiquitous availability (95 percent of visitors will probably have
You can store more data per cookie (up to 100 KB) Shared across browsers, so more likely to uniquely identify a machine Clearing the browser cookies does not remove the flash cookies.
You'll need to build a small (hidden) flash movie to read and write them.
I tried to find if someone has already done something like this, so I wouldn´t have to reinvent the wheel. So far, no luck(maybe I don´t know the right term to search), except for the code in the flash side
The use I have for this is to prevent a user to answer a quiz multiple times, but future uses maybe banning trolls.
Does anyone knows a open source library that does this and allows me to access via javascript?
Caveats: I don't know flash and I don't own a license.