i try to put a lock to a static string object to access to cache,, the lock() block executes in my local,but whenever i deploy it to the server, it locks forever. i write every single step to event log to see the process and lock(object) just causes the deadlock on the server. The command right after lock() is never executed as the i dont see an entry in the event log. below is the code:
public static string CacheSyncObject = "CacheSync";
public static DataView GetUsers()
DataTable dtUsers = null;
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["dtUsers"] != null)
Global.eventLogger.Write(String.Format("GetUsers() cache hit: {0}",dtUsers.Rows.Count));
return (HttpContext.Current.Cache["dtUsers"] as DataTable).Copy().DefaultView;
Global.eventLogger.Write("GetUsers() cache miss");
lock (CacheSyncObject)
Global.eventLogger.Write("GetUsers() locked SyncObject");
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["dtUsers"] != null)
Global.eventLogger.Write("GetUsers() opps, another thread filled the cache, release lock");
return (HttpContext.Current.Cache["dtUsers"] as DataTable).Copy().DefaultView;
Global.eventLogger.Write("GetUsers() locked SyncObject"); ==> this is never written to the log, so which means to me that, lock() never executes.