is there a way to draw an oriented graph / tree in c#, without using external libraries?
is there a way to draw an oriented graph / tree in c#, without using external libraries?
you should be able use the System.Drawing namespace to draw and then just do the math and computational stuff yourself.
Yes. You'll use the System.Drawing namespace (more info here). You'll want to create a virtual canvas large enough to handle your widest and tallest extents. These can be calculated by figuring the number of leaves in your tree (it is a bit more difficult with a graph) and then adding a spacing factor, etc.
It isn't a hard problem but it is tedious. It took me about a day several years ago. Sorry but I abandoned the interface as too clumsy and didn't keep the code.
Yes, use the System.Drawing namespace, which contains drawing functions/classes.
Basically to draw, you do this:
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
Image img = bmp;
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img);
Then use g.FillRectangle , g.DrawLine, g.DrawString etc.
Remember that 0,0 is on top left though :)