Ok here I compare Two functions, one made by myself (regExp) and another one made by (annakata).
Split array:
function insertParam(key, value)
key = escape(key); value = escape(value);
var kvp = document.location.search.substr(1).split('&');
var i=kvp.length; var x; while(i--)
x = kvp[i].split('=');
if (x[0]==key)
x[1] = value;
kvp[i] = x.join('=');
if(i<0) {kvp[kvp.length] = [key,value].join('=');}
//this will reload the page, it's likely better to store this until finished
return "&"+kvp.join('&');
Regexp method:
function addParameter(param, value)
var regexp = new RegExp("(\\?|\\&)" + param + "\\=([^\\&]*)(\\&|$)");
if (regexp.test(document.location.search))
return (document.location.search.toString().replace(regexp, function(a, b, c, d)
return (b + param + "=" + value + d);
return document.location.search+ param + "=" + value;
Testing case:
time1=(new Date).getTime();
for (var i=0;i<10000;i++)
time2=(new Date).getTime();
for (var i=0;i<10000;i++)
time3=(new Date).getTime();
console.log((time2-time1)+" "+(time3-time2));
It seems that even with simplest solution (when regexp use only test and do not enter .replace function) it is still slower than spliting... Well. Regexp is kinda slow but... uhh...