I have the following part of an AJAX application, which gives no errors, but also nothing is displayed to the screen, so I am unsure of where the problem lies. Calling this page directly from a browser with ?cmd&id=1 should return, or even calling it without ?cmd should return the cmd error message.
edit: added test cases: I do get the cmd error message, but when I pass &id=1 (1 is a valid id), no html gets returned whatsoever, view source is completely blank. Have I used echo incorrectly or something similar?
edit2: added echo as first line: the first echo is not seen whatsoever
edit3: After going back to an older version and making all the changes again, I now get test charset output when calling with valid cmd and id paramters. The code I am using is identical to what is pasted below.
the code:
echo "hello world";
if (isset($_GET["cmd"]))
$cmd = $_GET["cmd"];
die("You should have a 'cmd' parameter in your URL");
$id = $_GET["id"];
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "password", "db");
echo "test con";
die('Connection failed because of' .mysqli_connect_error());
echo "test error";
//$con->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
echo "test charset";
echo "test cmdifloop";
if ($getRecords = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM SALES WHERE PRODUCT_NO = ?"))
echo "test recordifloop";
$getHtml->bind_param("s", $id);
$getRecords->bind_param("s", $id);
while ($getRecords->fetch())
$ccodes = array( "1" => "USA",
"77" => "Germany",
"16" => "Austria",
"122" => "Luxemburg",
"193" => "Switzerland",
$conditions = array( "0" => "USA",
"77" => "Germany",
"16" => "Austria",
$country = $ccodes[$COUNTRYCODE];
if ( $country == "" ) $country = "Not applicable";
foreach($columns as $column) {
$$column = $row[$column] ? 'YES' : 'NO';
imageResize($PIC_URL, 250, 300);
file_put_contents($id, file_get_contents($PIC_URL));
$html = htmlentities(json_encode($PRODUCT_DESC));
$shortDate = strftime("%d %m %Y", strtotime($ACCESSSTARTS));
echo "<h1>".$PRODUCT_NAME."</h1>
<div id='leftlayer' class='leftlayer'>
<p><strong>Username: </strong>".$USERNAME."
<p><strong>PRODUCT Number: </strong>".$PRODUCT_NO."
<p><strong>Subtitle: </strong>".$SUBTITLE."
<p><strong>SALE Start: </strong>".$ACCESSSTARTS."
<p><strong>SALE End: </strong>".$ACCESSENDS."
<p><strong>SALE Type: </strong>".$SALE_TYPE."
<p><strong>Category: </strong>".$CAT_DESC."
<div class='leftlayer2'>
<p><strong>Condition: </strong> ".$CURRENT_PRICE."
<p><strong>Total Items: </strong> ".$QUANT_TOTAL."
<p><strong>Total Sales: </strong> ".$QUANT_SOLD."
<p><strong>Start Price: €</strong> ".$START_PRICE."
<p><strong>Buyitnow Price: €</strong> ".$BUYITNOW_PRICE."
<p><strong>PRICEs: </strong> ".$PRICE_COUNT."
<p><strong>Revised: </strong> ".$REVISED."
<div class='leftlayer2'>
<p><strong>Private: </strong> ".$PRIVATE_SALE."
<p><strong>Finished: </strong> ".$FINISHED."
<p><strong>Cancelled: </strong> ".$PRE_TERMINATED."
<p><strong>Paypal: </strong> ".$PAYPAL_ACCEPT."
<p><strong>Country: </strong> ". $country ."
<p><strong>Location: </strong> ".$LOCATION."
<p><strong>Shipping to: </strong> ". $country ."
<div id='rightlayer'>
<img src='".$PIC_URL."' width='".$imageSize["width"]."' height='".$imageSize["height"]."'>
<p><a href='#' onclick=\"makewindows(" . $html . "); return false;\">Click for full description </a></p>
function imageResize($imageURL, $maxWidth, $maxHeight)
$imageSize["width"] = 0;
$imageSize["height"] = 0;
$size = getimagesize($imageURL);
if ($size) {
$imageWidth = $size[0];
$imageHeight = $size[1];
$wRatio = $imageWidth / $maxWidth;
$hRatio = $imageHeight / $maxHeight;
$maxRatio = max($wRatio, $hRatio);
if ($maxRatio > 1) {
$imageSize["width"] = $imageWidth / $maxRatio;
$imageSize["height"] = $imageHeight / $maxRatio;
return $imageSize;
} else {
$imageSize["width"] = $imageWidth;
$imageSize["height"] = $imageHeight;
return $imageSize;
} else {
I apologize for the spacing, but it happens automatically when I press the code button.