



( .NET 2.0, System.Windows.FormsDataGridView and DataTable )

I have 1 datagrid connected to 1 datatable.

That datatable contains 1 column: containing objects of my own type "MyObject".
MyObject has a public string property "MyProp".

I want to display 1 column in the grid: showing the string values of the property MyProp of the MyObjects in the table.

But I can't seem to get it to work.


  • myTable.Column1.Name: "Obj"
  • myDataSet contains 1 table: myTable (filled with a few rows)
  • myBindingSource.datasource = myDataSet
  • myBindingSource.DataMember = myTable
  • myDataGridView.DataSource = myBindingSource
  • in myDataGridView: 1 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

  • tryout 1:

Column.DataPropertyName="Obj" (generated by default)

Displays the result of (overridden) MyObject.ToString() Not really what I want, this function is in use for logging.

  • tryout 2:


Doesn't display anything (MyProp's get is never called)

  • tryout 3: Made the MyProp property bindable:

    [Bindable (BindableSupport.Yes)]
    public string MyProp
    { ...

    Samesame, not different from tryout 2

In short:

GridViewColumn.DataPropertyName doesn't seem to support drilling further down into objects in a datatable's column.

Anyone any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


+1  A: 

Try just putting the Obj.MyProp string value into the datatable row. Putting an object into there will require it to be converted into a string representation (Obj.ToString()) which is getting you the output you are seeing.

A datatable is much like a spreadsheet, not like an Array(Of objects). You have to treat it as such,.


You can only bind to immediate properties of the data-source. For DataTable, this means columns. Two options leap to mind:

  • don't use DataTable - just use a List<MyObject> or BindingList<MyObject>
  • (or) override MyObject.ToString() to return MyProp

The second isn't very flexible - I'd go with the first. After all, what is a 1-column DataTable really doing for you?

Marc Gravell
i tried using list<myObject> but i became confused in applying it to the nested class... for single level of class it works fine

This can be done via OnRowDataBound event.

In the gridview

  1. declare an onrowdatabound method

  2. use template

In the method:

  1. grab object

  2. populate or manipulate display as desired

You can also do what you want by using templates instead of default layout.

I think he's referring to a DataGridView, not a web DataGrid. If memory serves correct, the DGV doesn't have a OnRowDataBound event.