So, the answer to your question depends a fair bit on whether you are using UDP or TCP as your transport.
For UDP, life gets a lot simpler, in that you can call recv/recvfrom/recvmsg with the packet size you need (you'd likely send fixed-length packets from the source anyway), and make the assumption that if data is available, it's there in multiples of packet-length sizes. (I.E. You call recv* with the size of your sending side packet, and you're set.)
For TCP, life gets a bit more interesting - for the purpose of this explanation, I will assume that you already know how to use socket(), bind(), listen() and accept() - the latter being how you get the file descriptor (FD) of your newly made connection.
There are two ways of doing the I/O for a socket - blocking, in which you call read(fd, buf, N) and the read sits there and waits until you've read N bytes into buf - or non-blocking, in which you have to check (using select() or poll()) whether the FD is readable, and THEN do your read().
When dealing with TCP-based connections, the OS doesn't pay attention to the packet sizes, since it's considered a continual stream of data, not seperate packet-sized chunks.
If your application uses "packets" (packed or unpacked data structures that you're passing around), you ought to be able to call read() with the proper size argument, and read an entire data structure off the socket at a time. The only caveat you have to deal with, is to remember to properly byte-order any data that you're sending, in case the source and destination system are of different byte endian-ness. This applies to both UDP and TCP.
As far as *NIX socket programming is concerned, I highly recommend W. Richard Stevens' "Unix Network Programming, Vol. 1" (UNPv1) and "Advanced Programming in an Unix Environment" (APUE). The first is a tome regarding network-based programming, regardless of the transport, and the latter is a good all-around programming book as it applies to *NIX based programming. Also, look for "TCP/IP Illustrated", Volumes 1 and 2.