I am working on a site, and everything is working in my local environment as well as on a test server I have here and everything works fine. but when I upload it to my host, nothing seems to work!?
The Asp.Net javascript validators fire, but any and all of the jquery is not working? I even put in a simple
<div id="test></div>
And nothing is happening? I have triple checked that all the js is uploaded (to my /js/ directory
The site is here: http://whoowes.me (it is in it's infancy still... barely started) and the Login/Register/Contact buttons should all pull a modal popup (not change pages, that should only happen if JS is disabled) and the word 'test' should show up under the menu.
Can JS be disabled from the server? Wouldn't make sense though as the asp.net javascript validators are showing up?
I am completely confused here, any ideas would be great!