I have a list of 10 data objects that I want to insert/update to the database using NHibernate. If one throws an exception (say a primary key violation) I want to still insert/update the other 9. I rolled each object operation into its own atomic transaction, and roll back the transaction if there is an exception. Problem is that if a transaction does cause an exception and is rolled back, on the next transaction Nhibernate complains with the error: null id in Nexus.Data.PortfolioCorporateEntity entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
My main program is simple. It creates a session from a sessionfactory, creates the data access layer, does some work on the data objects and then tries to persist those data objects to the database.
sessionsManager = new NHibernateSessionManager();
session = sessionsManager.GetSession();
DALC = new NHibernateDataProvider(session);
foreach (var pce in pces)
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Could not add Corporate Entity ID " + pce.CorporateEntity.CorporateEntityID.ToString());
This is the updateOrAdd procedure in my Nhibernate Data Access Layer, called 10 times for 10 objects.
public void UpdateOrAddObject(T workObject) { using (ITransaction tx = mSession.BeginTransaction) { try { mSession.SaveOrUpdate(workObject); mSession.Flush(); tx.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { tx.Rollback(); throw ex; } } }
Just to make the point clear, the session is instantiated by the calling program and passed to the Data Access Layer object, constructor of which is below.
public NHibernateDataProvider(ISession session) { mSession = session; }
This works fine except after the exception, it says don’t flush the session after exception. I’m not sure why – transaction was rolled back nicely and the database should be ready to accept another transaction no? What am I doing wrong?