



Call me a 'n00b', but I am new to creating Script Controls. I want to create a simple control with 3 text boxes. I have a .cs file that looks like this:

    public class SmokingCalc : ScriptControl
        public SmokingCalc()
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor>
            ScriptControlDescriptor descriptor = new ScriptControlDescriptor("SmokingCalc.SmokingCalc", this.ClientID);
            yield return descriptor;

        // Generate the script reference
        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptReference>
            yield return new ScriptReference("SmokingCalc.SmokingCalc.js", this.GetType().Assembly.FullName);

        protected HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter;
        protected TextBox costTextbox;
        protected TextBox amountTextbox;
        protected TextBox yearsTextbox;
        protected Button submitButton;

and I have absolutely no idea why the textbox wont render? I think I am missing something...

[EDIT] The error I'm getting is the "Object reference is not set to an instance to an object".

[ANSWERED] I changed the file as follows, and it works, so far at least.

   public class SmokingCalc : ScriptControl
        public SmokingCalc()
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            costTextbox.ID = "costTextbox";
            amountTextbox.ID = "amountTextbox";
            yearsTextbox.ID = "yearsTextbox";
            submitButton.ID = "submitButton";
            submitButton.Text = "Submit";
        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor>
            ScriptControlDescriptor descriptor = new ScriptControlDescriptor("SmokingCalc.SmokingCalc", this.ClientID);
            descriptor.AddProperty("costTextboxID", costTextbox.ClientID);
            descriptor.AddProperty("amountTextboxID", amountTextbox.ClientID);
            descriptor.AddProperty("yearsTextboxID", amountTextbox.ClientID);
            descriptor.AddProperty("submitButtonID", submitButton.ClientID);
            yield return descriptor;

        // Generate the script reference
        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptReference>
            yield return new ScriptReference("SmokingCalc.SmokingCalc.js", this.GetType().Assembly.FullName);

        protected TextBox costTextbox = new TextBox();
        protected TextBox amountTextbox = new TextBox();
        protected TextBox yearsTextbox = new TextBox();
        protected Button submitButton = new Button();
+1  A: 

Did you try CreateChildControls?:

public class SmokingCalc : ScriptControl
    protected override void CreateChildControls()

    protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor>
        ScriptControlDescriptor descriptor = new ScriptControlDescriptor("SmokingCalc.SmokingCalc", this.ClientID);
        yield return descriptor;

    // Generate the script reference
    protected override IEnumerable<ScriptReference>
        yield return new ScriptReference("SmokingCalc.SmokingCalc.js", this.GetType().Assembly.FullName);

    protected HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter;
    protected TextBox costTextbox = new TextBox();
    protected TextBox amountTextbox = new TextBox();
    protected TextBox yearsTextbox = new TextBox();
    protected Button submitButton = new Button();
Crescent Fresh
+1  A: 

What you are doing here is building a composite control, not a script control, per se. What you really want to be doing is inheriting from CompositeControl (and following the model for creating a composite control), and implementing IScriptControl, instead. You're asking for a lot of heartburn doing it your way (ViewState and postback problems, etc.).

Robert C. Barth
So what is the difference between the two?
Read the link I provided. A ScriptControl is generally created by writing directly to the writer object in the render method. A CompositeControl was specifically designed to be the base object of a control that uses whole other controls in the manner in which you want.
Robert C. Barth
Ahh ok, so basically I can create a composite instead and use the IScriptControl interface to implement JS functionality. ScriptControls do seem alittle intense, and there's not much out there about them (yet). Thanks for the help. +1