You'll find that in large-scale projects, layout and color/flavor CSS will (if you're smart about it) usually just happen to be separate. Firstly, if you're catching yourself setting color/font-size/font-family style rules over and over, you're wasting your time. Typically you should define your fonts in one place: the body tag. Any additional fonts should be defined in their respective tags... h1, h2, p, etc. In my opinion it's not good practice to give these tags positional directives; they should be placed inside a div that will be responsible for their layout. Same goes for color and font size. I think the only exception to the rule would typically be background stuff, which is especially true if you have lots of gradients and fancy things like that.
Really what it comes down to is planning; a well-planned project needs very few color/flavor style rules. So to answer your question, yes, I usually have a "Global.css" file that defines all of my fonts and colors for h1-h5, a, p, and any other tags that will contain text.
Usually, since the projects I work in are fairly large-scale and have a number of different modules, we separate the styles with in a sort of hierarchy; this makes sense because of the way CSS works -- as long as you don't change the style-rules put into place at the "base" (or in our case, the global.css) somewhere down the line, the styles will stick. This helps because when we want to modify the font of our site, we simply change the font-family rule at the "body" tag, and it will propagate throughout the entire site.
So, our stylesheet layout works something like this:
Global.css (Fonts/Text/Primary font colors)
--> genericBase.css (basic page structures such as columns that are used throughout the site)
--> nav.css (left-hand nav and/or top nav bar)
--> formLayout.css (labels, inputs, fieldsets, any other form stuff)
-----> forums.css (individual modules' styles that may deviate a bit from the usual structures, or simply things specific to those pages)
-----> blogs.css
-----> messages.css (etc etc etc)
The arrows here are meant to imply the "order" of the files in the hierarchy. The longer the arrow, the further down in the style-sheet the rules these files contain would be, if we had put all of the styles into one file.
So you see, the whole idea is to start with very general styles and work your way down to the most specific. Remember that the order in which your CSS files load matters to the browser. You can use this to your advantage. The interesting thing is, by the time we get to our specific modules' css files, we have very few styles to write because most of the other important stuff has actually work itself out along the way.
So like I said, planning is vitally important. I've found that this methodology makes it easier to "debug" my styles, and I use almost no hacks at all, usually only for silly ie6 stuff.
Let me know if you need more information. I'm glad this is helpful to you.