




Is it possible to explicitly set the id of a domain object in Grails' Bootstrap.groovy (or anywhere, for that matter)?

I've tried the following:

new Foo(id: 1234, name: "My Foo").save()


def foo = new Foo()
foo.id = 1234
foo.name = "My Foo"

But in both cases, when I print out the results of Foo.list() at runtime, I see that my object has been given an id of 1, or whatever the next id in the sequence is.

Edit: This is in Grails 1.0.3, and when I'm running my application in 'dev' with the built-in HSQL database.

Edit: chanwit has provided one good solution below. However, I was actually looking for a way to set the id without changing my domain's id generation method. This is primarily for testing: I'd like to be able to set certain things to known id values either in my test bootstrap or setUp(), but still be able to use auto_increment or a sequence in production.

+3  A: 

Yes, with manually GORM mapping:

class Foo {
  String name
  static mapping = {
    id generator:'assigned'

and your second snippet (not the first one) will do the job (Id won't be assigned when passing it through constructor).


What I ended up using as a workaround was to not try and retrieve objects by their id. So for the example given in the question, I changed my domain object:

class Foo {
  short code /* new field */
  String name

  static constraints = {
    code(unique: true)

I then used an enum to hold all of the possible values for code (which are static), and would retrieve Foo objects by doing a Foo.findByCode() with the appropriate enum value (instead of using Foo.get() with the id like I wanted to do previously).

It's not the most elegant solution, but it worked for me.

Rob Hruska