


rbnResubmission.Items.FindByValue("Yes").Attributes.Add("onclick", "getCheckedRadioFieldResubmission(this)");
rbnResubmission.Items.FindByValue("No").Attributes.Add("onclick", "getCheckedRadioFieldResubmission(this)");

So I have these click events for showing rows in a table - that part works fine.

Here's an example of what the code does (I'm not showing the "No" option)

function getCheckedRadioFieldResubmission(radio){
    if(radio.value == "Yes"){
         document.getElementById('<%=ApprovingInstituteRow.ClientID%>').style.display ="block";
         document.getElementById('<%=ApprovalNumberRow.ClientID%>').style.display ="block";
         document.getElementById('<%=IRBApprovalRow.ClientID%>').style.display ="block";
         document.getElementById('<%=ExpectedDateRow.ClientID%>').style.display ="none";

The form needs to go through validation, and if there's any problems, because the event to show these rows only happens from "onclick" - they will disappear upon postback. what can I change to make them appear permanently?


I'm guessing you're databinding the radio button list during onLoad. You have to rebind it on postback.

Mike Robinson

You'll probably want to add the same functionality of your getCheckedRadioFieldResubmission function into the onload event of the html <body> tag. However, since the this object will refer to the body element and not the radio, you'll need to put something of this sort in there to find the radio:

var radio = document.getElementById('radio_id');

This will work if your radio list has a maintained state. As in, it keeps it's state after Post Back.
