



Hi all,

I am new to web development and am seeking some help :-)

I have followed a silver light tutorial to build a basic silverlight app.

i then hosted this app on aspspider. i have now modified the app to connect to a SQLExpress Db. this uses a 'WCF service' and 'Linq to sql classes' to perform the db search. This all works perfectly in Visualstudio however i am not sure how to make it work in the aspSpider host.

So far i have managed to attach the Db, and get the silver light xap to work. but obviously when i click the search button in the website i get a blank screen as the service fails.

Any help would be fantastic !!!

Bellow is a list of the files in the project.

Thanks Martin


The problem is due to cross-domain policy of silverlight. Refer to the following link I am sure i have helped you.