Suppose that for some perverse reason you want to display the raw byte contents of a UTF8String.
utf8Str : UTF8String;
utf8Str := '€ąćęłńóśźż';
(1) This doesn't do, it displays the readable form:
memo1.Lines.Add( RawByteString( utf8Str ));
// output: '€ąćęłńóśźż'
(2) This, however, does "work" - note the concatenation:
memo1.Lines.Add( 'x' + RawByteString( utf8Str ));
// output: 'x€ąćęłńóśźż'
I understand (1), though the compiler's forced coerction to UnicodeString seems to prevent ever displaying a RawByteString var as-is. However, why does the behavior change in (2)?
(3) Stranger still - let's reverse the concatenation:
memo1.Lines.Add( RawByteString( utf8Str ) + 'x' );
// output: '€ąćęłńóśźżx'
I've been reading up on the newfangled string types in Delphi and thought I understood how they work, but this is a puzzle.