



Hi folks,

i'm trying to do a spatial query in sql 2008 -> for a given list of POI's (point of interest, long/lat GEOGRAPHY data), which postcodes do they exist in (multipolygon GEOGRAPHY data).

So this is the query i tried, but it's syntactically incorrect:-

SELECT PostCodeId, ShapeFile
FROM Postcodes a
WHERE a.ShapeFile.STIntersects(
    SELECT PointOfInterest
    FROM PointOfInterests
    WHERE PointOfInterestId IN (SELECT Item from dbo.fnSplit(@PoiIdList, ','))

So this means i pass in a csv list of POI Id's and split them. That's not a problem .. it's my subquery in the STIntersects. That's invalid.

So .. any suggestions folks?

+1  A: 

How about:

SELECT a.PostCodeId, a.ShapeFile
FROM (SELECT Item from dbo.fnSplit(@PoiIdList, ',')) AS POI_IDs
INNER JOIN PointOfInterests
    ON PointOfInterests.PointOfInterestId = POI_IDs.Item
INNER JOIN Postcodes a
    ON a.ShapeFile.STIntersects(PointOfInterests.PointOfInterest) = 1
Cade Roux
thanks heaps :) i didn't know u could join the two tables in an STIntersects!
My only question would really be performance and what's the BEST way to do it. And right now, that's beyond my understanding (Spatial SQL is all new to me)
Cade Roux