I am working on my phd in chemistry and for that reason I need to write a software application to help me with the imaging of samples under a microscope. This microscope is fitted with an x-y-z nanopositioning stage. The stage is controlled using an unmanaged DLL written in VC++ by the hardware vendor. I could provide you with more specifics of needed but let me start with this;
One of the methods in the dll allows me to read settings for the axis of motion:
C++ syntax:
BOOL E7XX_qSVO (int ID, const char* szAxes, BOOL* pbValueArray)
Where BOOL is int 0 or 1 according to the convention.
My C# wrapper contains:
[DllImport("E7XX_GCS_DLL.dll", EntryPoint = "E7XX_qSVO")]
public static extern int qSVO(int iId, string sAxes, int []iValArray);
This seems correct to me. However when I try something like this in my main application (to query axis 1,2 and 3):
Int32 [] _iValues = new Int32[3];
E7XXController.qSVO(m_iControllerID, "123", _iValues);
I consistently get an array like this:
{6, 0, 10} while I should get {0, 0 , 0} according to the display on the device itself. The complementary function:
BOOL E7XX_SVO (int ID, const char* szAxes, const BOOL* pbValueArray)
to set the same status bits on the stage also don't work...
Other commands in the dll work perfectly. I can pass strings and doubles in and out without troublem but not the BOOL type...
Do you guys have any idea what could be wrong?