




I am looking for a Regular expression to match only if a date is in the first 28 days of the month. This is for my validator control in ASP.NET

+2  A: 

I don't think this is a task very well-suited for a regexp.

I'd try and use the library functions (DateTime.Parse for .NET) to parse the date and then check the day component of it. Everything else is duplicating half the library function anyways.

+1  A: 

Why not just covert it to a date data type and check the day? Using a regular expression, while it could be done, just makes it overly complicated.

+17  A: 

Don't do this with Regex. Dates are formatted differently in different countries. Use the DateTime.TryParse routine instead:

DateTime parsedDate;

if ( DateTime.TryParse( dateString, out parsedDate) && parsedDate.Day <= 28 )
 // logic goes here.

Regex is nearly the golden hammer of input validation, but in this instance, it's the wrong choice.

Simon Johnson
+1  A: 
  ([1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]) // matches 1 to 28 but woudn't allow leading zeros for single digits
(0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]) // matches 1 to 28 and would allow 01, 02,... 09

(where \d matches any digit, use [0-9] if your regex engine doesn't support it.)

See also the question What is the regex pattern for datetime (2008-09-01 12:35:45 ) ?

Sam Hasler

I would use one of the DateTime.TryParse techniques in conjunction with a CustomValidator

John Sheehan